
In steerage, Fabrizio comes out into the hall to see what's going on.
Hesees dozens of rats running toward him in the corridor, fleeing theflooding bow. Fabrizio jumps aside as the rats run by.
Ma-- che cazzo!152 IN HIS STATEROOM
Tommy gets out of his top bunk in the dark and dropsdown to the floor.
Cor!! What in hell--?! He naps on the light. The floor is covered with 3 inches of freezing water,and more coming in. He pulls the door open, and steps out into thecorridor, which is flooded. Fabrizio is running toward him, yellingsomething in Italian. Tommy and Fabrizio start pounding on doors, gettingeverybody up and out. The alarm spreads in several languages.CUT TO:
153 INT. FIRST CLASS CORRIDOR / A-DECKA couple of people have come out into the corridor in robes and slippers.
hurries along, reassuring them.WOMAN
Why have the engines stopped? I felt a shudder?STEWARD #1
I shouldn't worry, m'am. We've likely thrown a propeller blade, that's theshudder you felt. May I bring you anything?THOMAS ANDREWS
brushes past them, walking fast and carrying an armload ofrolled up ship's plans.CUT TO:
154 EXT. FORWARD WELL DECKJack and Rose are leaning over the starboard rail, looking at the hull ofthe ship. JACK Looks okay. I don't see anything.
Could it have damaged the ship?JACK
It didn't seem like much of a bump. I'm sure we're okay.Behind them a couple of steerage guys are kicking the ice around the deck,laughing.
155 INT. STEERAGE FORWARDFabrizio and Tommy are in a crowd of steerage men clogging the corridors,heading aft away from the flooding. Many of them have grabbed suitcases andduffel bags, some of which are soaked.
If this is the direction the rats were runnin', it's good enough for me.CUT TO:
156 INT. CORRIDOR ON B DECKBruce Ismay, dressed in pajamas under the topcoat, hurries down thecorridor, headed for the bridge. An officious steward named
comesalong the other direction, getting the few concerned passengers back intotheir rooms.STEWARD BARNES
There's no cause for alarm. Please, go back to your rooms. He is stopped in his tracks by Cal and Lovejoy.STEWARD BARNES
Please, sir. There's no emergency--CAL
Yes there is, I have been robbed.Now get the Master at Arms. Now youmoron!
157 INT. BRIDGE / CHARTROOM C.U. CAPTAIN SMITHstudying the commutator. He turns to Andrews, standing behind him.
A five degree list in less than ten minutes.SHIP'S CARPENTER JOHN HUTCHINSON
enters behind him, out of breath andclearly unnerved.HUTCHINSON
She's making water fast... in the forepeak tank and the forward holds, inboiler room six.ISMAY
enters, his movements quick with anger and frustration. Smith glancesat him with annoyance.ISMAY
Why have we stopped?SMITH
We've struck ice.ISMAY
Well, do you think the ship is seriously damaged?SMITH
Excuse me. Smith pushes past him, with Andrews and Hutchinson in tow.CUT TO:
158 INT. BOILER ROOM 6Strokers and firemen are struggling to draw the fires. They are working inwaist deep water churning around as it flows into the boiler room, ice coldand swirling with grease from the machinery.
Chief Engineer Bell comespartway down the ladder and shouts.
That's it, lads. Get the hell up! They scramble up the escape ladders.CUT TO:
159 EXT. B-DECK FORWARD / WELL DECKThe gentlemen, now joined by another man, leans on the forward railwatching the steerage men playing soccer with chunks of ice.
I guess it's nothing too serious. I'm going back to my cabin to read. A 20ishYALE MAN
pops through the door wearing a topcoat over pajamas.YALEY
Say, did I miss the fun? Rose and Jack come up the steps from the well deck, which are right next tothe three men. They stare as the couple climbs over the locked gate. A moment later Captain Smith rounds the corner, followed by Andrews andCarpenter Hutchinson.They have come down from the bridge by the outsidestairs. The three men, their faces grim, crush right past Jack and Rose. Andrews barely glances at her.
Can you shore up?HUTCHINSON
Not unless the pumps get ahead. The inspection party goes down the stairs to the well deck.JACK
(low, to her)
It's bad.ROSE
We have to tell Mother and Cal.JACK
Now it's worse.ROSE
Come with me, Jack. I jump, you jump... Right?JACK
Right. Jack follows Rose through the door inside the ship.CUT TO:
160 INT. B-DECK FOYER / CORRIDORJack and Rose cross the foyer, entering the corridor. Lovejoy is waitingfor them in the hall as they approach the room.
We've been looking for you miss. Lovejoy follows and, unseen, moves close behind Jack and smoothly slips thediamond necklace into the pocket of his overcoat.CUT TO:
161 INT. ROSE AND CAL'S SUITECal and Ruth wait in the sitting room, along with the Master at Arms andtwo stewards
(Steward #1 and Barnes).
Silence as Rose and Jack enter. Ruthcloses her robe at her throat when she sees Jack.ROSE
Something serious has happened.CAL
That's right. Two things dear to me have disappeared this evening. Now thatone is back...(he looks from Rose to Jack)
I have a pretty good idea where to fine the other.(to Master at Arms)
Search him. The Master at Arms steps up to Jack.MASTER AT ARMS
Coat off, mate. Lovejoy pulls at Jack's coat and Jack shakes his head in dismay, shruggingout of it. The Master at Arms pats him down.JACK
This is horseshit.ROSE
Cal, you can't be serious! We're in the middle of an emergency and you-- Steward Barnes pulls the Heart of the Ocean out of the pocket of Jack'scoat.STEWARD BARNES
Is this it? Rose is stunned. Needless to say, so is Jack.CAL
Right then. Now don't make a fuss. He starts to handcuff Jack.JACK
Don't you believe it, Rose. Don't!ROSE
He couldn't have.CAL
Of course he could. Easy enough for a professional. He memorized thecombination when you opend the safe.FLASHBACK:
Rose at the safe, looking in the mirror and meeting Jack's eyesas he stands behind her, watching. ROSE
But I was with him the whole time.CAL
(just to her, low and cold)
Maybe he did it while you were putting your clothes back on.JACK
They put it in my pocket!LOVEJOY
(holding Jack's coat)
It's not even your pocket, son.(reading)
"Property of A. L. Ryerson".Lovejoy shows the coat to the Master at Arms. There is a label inside thecollar with the owner's name.
That was reported stolen today.JACK
I was going to return it! Rose-- Rose feels utterly betrayed, hurt and confused. She shrinks away from him. He starts shouting to her as Lovejoy and the Master at Arms drag him outinto the hall. She can't look him in the eye.JACK
Rose, don't listen to them... I didn't do this! You know I didn't! You knowit! She is devastated. Her mother lays a comforting hand on her shoulder as tetears well up. RUTH Why do women believe men?CUT TO:
162 INT. MAIL SORTING ROOM / HOLDSmith and Andrews come down the steps to the Mail Sorting Room and findsthe clerks scrambling to pull mail from the racks. They are furiouslyhauling wet sacks of mail up from the hold below. Andrews climbs partway down the stairs to the hold, which is almost full.Sacks of mail float everywhere. The lights are still on below the surface,casting an eerie glow. The Renault is visible under the water, the brassglinting cheerfully. Andrews looks down as the water covers his shoe, andscrambles back up the stairs.
163 INT. BRIDE / CHARTROOMAndrews unrolls a big drawing of the ship across the chartroom table. It isa side elevation, showing all the watertight bulkheads. His hands areshaking. Murdoch and Ismay hover behind Andrews and the Captain.
When can we get underway, do you think? Smith glares at him and turns his attention to Andrews' drawing. Thebuilder points to it for emphasis as he talks.ANDREWS
Water 14 feet above the keel in ten minutes... in the forepeak... in allthree holds... and in boiler room six.SMITH
That's right.ANDREWS
Five compartments. She can stay afloat with the first four compartmentsbreached. But not five. Not five. As she goes down by the head the waterwill spill over the tops of the bulkheads... at E Deck... from one to thenext... back and back. There's no stopping it.SMITH
The pumps--ANDREWS
The pumps buy you time... but minutes only. From this moment, no matterwhat we do, Titanic will founder.ISMAY
But this ship can't sink!ANDREWS
She is made of iron, sir. I assure you, she can. And she will. It is amathematical certainty. Smith looks like he has been gutpunched.SMITH
How much time?ANDREWS
An hour, two at most. Ismay reels as his dream turns into his worst nightmare.SMITH
And how many aboard, Mr. Murdoch?MURDOCH
Two thousand two hundred souls aboard, sir. A long beat. Smith turns to his employer.SMITH
I believe you may get your headlines, Mr. Ismay.CUT TO:
164 EXT. BOAT DECKAndrews is striding along the boat deck, as seamen and officers scurry touncover the boats. Steam is venting from pipes on the funnes overhead, andthe din is horrendous. Speech is difficult adding to the crew's level ofdisorganization. Andrews sees some men fumbling with the mechanism of oneof the Wellin davits and yells to them over the roar of steam.
Turn to the right! Pull the falls taut before you unchock. Have you neverhad a boat drill?SEAMAN
No sir! Not with these new davits, sir. He looks around, disguisted as the crew fumble with the davits, and thetackle for the "falls"... the ropes which are used to lower the boats. Afew passengers are coming out on deck, hesitantly in the noise and bittercold.CUT TO:
165 INT. ROSE AND CAL'S SUITEFrom inside the sitting room they can hear knocking and voices in thecorridor.
I had better go dress. Ruth exits and Hockley crosses to Rose. He regards her coldly for a moment,then SLAPS her across the face.CAL
It is a little slut, isn't it? To Rose the blow is inconsequential compared to the blow her heart has beengiven. Cal grabs her shoulders roughly.CAL
Look at me, you little-- There is a loud knock on the door and an urgent voice. The door opens andtheir steward puts his head in.STEWARD BARNES
Sir, I've been told to ask you to please put on your lifebelt, and come upto the boat deck.CAL
Get out. We're busy. The steward persists, coming in to get the lifebelts down from the top of adresser.STEWARD
I'm sorry about the inconvenience, Mr. Hockley, but it's Captain's orders.Please dress warmly, it's quite cold tonight.(he hands a lifebelt to Rose)
Not to worry, miss, I'm sure it's just a precaution.CAL
This is ridiculous. In the corridor outside the stewards are being so polite and obsequiousthey are conveying no sense of danger whatsoever. However, it's anotherstory in...CUT TO:
166 INT. STEERAGE BERTHING AFT BLACKNESS.Then BANG! The door is thrown open and the lights snapped on bya steward. The Cartmell family rouses from a sound sleep.
Everybody up. Let's go. Put your lifebelts on.IN THE CORRIDOR
outside, another steward is going from door to door alongthe hall, pouncing and yelling.
Lifebelts on. Lifebelts on. Everybody up, come on. Lifebelts on... People come out of the doors behind the steward, perplexed. In theforeground aSYRIAN WOMAN
asks her husband what was said. He shrugs.CUT TO:
167 INT. WIRELESS ROOM ON PHILLIPS,looking shocked.
That's right. The distress call.CQD.
Tell whoever responds that we aregoing down by the head and need immediate assistance. Smith hurries out.PHILLIPS
Maybe you ought to try that new distress call... S.O.S.(grinning)
It may be our only chance to use it. Phillips laughs in spite of himself and starts sending history's firstS.O.S. Dit dit dit, da da da, dit dit dit... over and over.CUT TO:
168 EXT. BOAT DECKThomas Andrews looks around in amazement. The deck is empty except for thecrew fumbling with the davits. He yells over the roar of the steam to FirstOfficer Murdoch. ANDREWS Where are all the passengers?
They've all gone back inside. Too damn cold and noisy for them. Andrews feels like he is in a bad dream. He looks at his pocketwatch andheads for the foyer entrance.CUT TO:
169 INT. A-DECK FOYERA large number of First Class passengers have gathered near the staircase.They are getting indignant about the confusion. Molly Brown snags a passingYOUNG STEWARD.
What's doing, sonny? You've got us all trussed up and now we're cooling ourheels. The young steward backs away, actually stumbling on the stairs.YOUNG STEWARD
Sorry, mum. Let me go and find out. The jumpy piano rhythm of "Alexander's Ragtime Band" comes out of the firstclass lounge a few yards away. Band leaderWALLACE HARTLEY
has assembledsome of his men on Captain's orders, to allay panic. Hockley's entourage comes up to the A-deck foyer. Cal is carrying thelifebelts, almost as an afterthought. Rose is like a sleepwalker.CAL
It's just the God damned English doing everything by the book.RUTH
There's no need for language, Mr. Hockley.(to Trudy)
Go back and turn the heater on in my room, so it won't be too cold when weget back.Thomas Andrews enters, looking around the magnificent room, which he knowsis doomed. Rose, standing nearby, sees his heartbroken expression. Shewalks over to him and Cal goes after her.
I saw the iceberg, Mr. Andrews. And I see it in your eyes. Please tell methe truth.ANDREWS
The ship will sink.ROSE
You're certain?ANDREWS
Yes. In an hour or so... all this... will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.CAL
My God. Now it is Cal's turn to look stunned. The Titanic? Sinking?ANDREWS
Please tell only who you must, I don't want to be responsible for a panic. And get to a boat quickly. Don't wait. You remember what I told you aboutthe boats?ROSE
Yes, I understand. Thankyou. Andrews goes off, moving among the passengers and urging them to put ontheir lifebelts and get to the boats.CUT TO:
170 INT. MASTER AT ARMS OFFICELovejoy and the Master at Arms are handcuffing Jack to a 4" WATER PIPE as acrewman rushes in anxiously and almost blurts to the Master at Arms--
You're wanted by the Purser, sir. Urgently.LOVEJOY
Go on. I'll keep an eye on him. Lovejoy pulls a pearl handled Colt .45 automatic from under his coat. TheMaster at Arms nods and tosses the handcuff key to Lovejoy, then exits withthe crewman. Lovejoy flips the key in the air. Catches it.CUT TO:
171 INT. BRIDGEJunior Wireless Operator Bride is relaying a message to Captain Smith fromthe CUNARD LINER CARPATHIA.
Carpathia says they're making 17 knots, full steam for them, sir.SMITH
And she's the only one who's responding?BRIDE
The only one close, sir. She says they can be here in four hours.SMITH
Four hours! The enormity of it hits Smith like a sledgehammer blow.SMITH
Thank you, Bride. He turns as Bride exits, and looks out onto the blackness.SMITH
(to himself)
My God.CUT TO:
172 EXT. BOAT DECK – NIGHTLightoller has his boats swung out. He is standing amidst a crowd ofuncertain passengers in all states of dress and undress. One first classwoman is barefoot. Others are in stockings. The maitre of the restaurant isin top hat and overcoat. Others are still in evening dress, while some arein bathrobes and kimonos. Women are wearing lifebelts over velvet gowns,then topping it with sble stoles. Some brought jewels, others books, evensmall dogs. Lightoller sees Smith walking stiffly toward him and quickly goes to him. He yells into the Captain's ear, through cupped hands, over the roar of thesteam...
Hadn't we better get the women and children into the boats, sir? Smith just nods, a bit abstractly. The fire has gone out of him. Lightollersees the awesome truth in Smith's face.LIGHTOLLER
(to the men)
Right! Start the loading. Women and children! The appalling din of escaping steam abruptly cuts off, leaving a suddenunearthly silence in which Lightoller's voice echoes.ON WALLACE
raising his violin to play.HARTLEY
Number 26.Ready and-- The band has reassembled just outside the First Class Entrance, port side,near where Lightoller is calling for the boats to be loaded. They strike upa waltz, lively and elegant. The music wafts all over the ship.
Ladies, please. Step into the boat. Finally one soman steps across the gap, into the boat, terrified of thedrop to the water far below.WOMAN IN CROWD You watch. They'll put us off in these silly little boats to freeze, andwe'll all be back on board by breakfast. Cal, Rose and Ruth come out of the doors near the band.
My brooch, I left my brooch. I must have it! She turns back to go to her room but Cal takes her by the arm, refusing tolet her go. The firmness of his hold surprises her.CAL
Stay here, Ruth. Ruth sees his expression, and knows fear for the first time.CUT TO:
173 INT. STEERAGE BERTHING AFT / CORRIDORS AND STAIRWELLIt is chaos, with stewards pushing their way through narrow corridorsclogged with peopel carrying suitcases, duffel bags, children. Some havelifebelts on, others don't.
(to Steward #3)
I told the stupid sods no luggage. Aw, bloody hell! He throws up his hand at the sight of a family, loaded down with cases andbags, completely blocking the corridor. Fabrizio and Tommy push past the stewards, going the other way. They rech ahuge crowd gathered at the bottom of the MAIN 3RD CLASS STAIRWELL.Fabriziospots Helga with the rest of the Dahl family, standing patiently withsuitcases in hand. He reaches her and she grins, hugging him. Tommy pushes to where he can see what's holding up the group. There is asteel gate across the top of the stairs, with several stewards and seamenon the other side.
Stay calm, please. It's not time to go up to the boats yet. Near Tommy, an IRISHWOMANstands stoically with two small children andtheir battered luggage.
What are we doing, mummy?WOMAN
We're just waiting, dear. When they fiish putting First Class people in theboats, they'll be startin' with us, and we'll want to be all ready, won'twe?CUT TO:
174 EXT. STARBOARD SIDEBoat 7 is less than half full, with 28 aboard a boat made for 65.
Lower away! By the left and right together, stady lads! The boat lurches as the falls start to pay out through the pulley blocks.The women gasp. The boat descends, swaying and jerking, toward the water 60feet below. The passengers are terrified.CUT TO:
175 EXT. / INT. TITANIC HULL AND MASTER AT ARMS OFFICE TRACKINGalong the rows of portholes angling down into the water. Under thesurface, they glow green. PUSHING IN on one porthole which is havesubmerged. Inside we see Jack, looking apprehensively at the water risingup the glass.
Jack sits chained to the waterpipe, nextto the porthole. Lovejoy sits on the edge of a desk. He puts a .45 bulleton the desk and watches it roll across and fall off. He picks up thebullet.
You know... I believe this ship may sink.(crosses to Jack)
I've been asked to give you this small token of our appreciation... He punches Jack hard in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.LOVEJOY Compliments of Mr. Caledon Hockley. Lovejoy flips the handcuff key in the air, catches it and puts it in hispocket. He exits. Jack is left gasping, handcuffed to the pipe.
176 EXT. BOAT DECK / STARBOARD SIDE, FORWARDAt the stairwell rail on the bridge wing, Fourth Officer Boxhall andQuartermaster Rowe light the first distress rocket. It shoots into the skyand EXPLODES with a thunderclap over the ship, sending out white starburstswhich light up the entire deck as they fall.
off the starbursts to Ismay. The Managing Director of White StarLine is cracking. Already at the breaking point from his immense guilt, therocket panics him. He starts shouting at the officers struggling with thefalls of BOAT 5.ISMAY
There is no time to waste!(yelling and waving his arms)
Lower away! Lower away! Lower away!FIFTH OFFICER LOWE,
a baby-faced 28, and the youngest officer, looks upfrom the tangled falls at the madman.
Get out of the way, you fool!ISMAY
Do you know who I am? Lowe, not having a clue nor caring, squares up to Ismay.LOWE
You're a passenger. And I'm a ship's bloody officer. Now do what you'retold!(MORE)
(turning away)
Steady men! Stand by the falls!ISMAY
(numbly, backing away)
Yes, quite right. Sorry.CUT TO:
177 EXT. BOAT DECK / PORT SIDE SECOND OFFICER LIGHTOLLERis loading the boat nearest Cal and Rose... Boat6.
Women and children only! Sorry sir, no men yet. Another rocket bursts overhead, lighting the crowd. Startled faces turnupward.Fear now in the eyes.
has his Biograph camera set up, cranking away... hoping toget an exposure off the rocket's light. he has Mary posed in front of thescene at the boats.MARVIN
You're afraid, darling. Scared to death. That's it! Either she suddenly learned to act or she is petrified. ROSE watches the farewells taking pace right in front of her as they stepcloser to the boat. Husbands saying goodbye to wives and children. Loversand friends parted. NearbyMOLLY
is getting a reluctant woman to board theboat.MOLLY
Come on, you heard the man. Get in the boat, sister.RUTH
Will the lifeboats be seated according to class? I hope they're not toocrowded--ROSE
Oh, Mother shut up!
(Ruth freezes, mouth open)
Don't you understand? The water is freezing and there aren't enoughboats... not enough by half. Half the people on this ship are going to die.CAL Not the better half.
PUSH IN ON ROSE'S FACE as it hits her like a thunderbolt. Jack is thirdclass. He doesn't stand a chance. Another rocket bursts overhead, bathingher face in white light.
You unimaginable bastard.MOLLY
Come on, Ruth, get in the boat. These are the first class seats right uphere. That's it. Molly practically hands her over to Lightoller, then looks around for someother women who might need a push.MOLLY
Come on, Rose. You're next, darlin'. Rose steps back, shaking her head.RUTH
Rose, get in the boat! ROSE Goodbye, mother. Ruth, standing in the tippy lifeboat, can do nothing.Cal grabs Rose's armbut she pulls free and walks away through the crowd. Cal catches up to Roseand grabs her again, roughly.
Where are you going? To him? Is that it? To be a whore to that gutter rat?ROSE
I'd rather be his whore than your wife. He clenches his jaw and squeezes her arm viciously, pulling her back towardthe lifeboat. Rose pulls out a hairpin and jabs him with it. he lets gowith a curse and she runs into the crowd.LIGHTOLLER
Lower away!!RUTH
Stuff a sock in it, would ya, Ruth. She'll be along. The boat lurches downward as the falls are paid out.TRACKING WITH ROSE, as she runs through the clusters of people. She looksback and a furious Cal is coming after her. She runs breathlessly up to twoproper looking men. ROSE That man tried to take advantage of me in the crowd! Appalled, they turn to see Cal running toward them. Rose runs on as the twomen grab Cal, restraining him. She runs throught the First Class entrance. Cal breaks free and runs after her. He reaches the entrance, but runs intoa knot of people coming out. He pushes rudely through them...
178 INT. BOAT DECK FOYER / STAIRCASE / A-DECK FOYER Cal runs in, and down to the landing, pushing past the gentlemen and ladieswho are filling up the stairs. He scans the A-deck foyer. Rose is gone.CUT TO:
179 EXT. OCEAN / TITANIC / BOAT 6 The hull of Titanic looms over Boat 6 like a cliff. Its enormous mass issuddenly threatening to those in the tiny boat.Quartermaster Hitchins, atthe tiller, wants nothing but to get away from the ship.
Unfortunately histwo seamen can't row. They flail like a duck with a broken wing.
HITCHINS Keep pulling... away from the ship. Pull.
Ain't you boys ever rowed before? Here, gimme those oars. I'll show ya howit's done. She climbs over Ruth to get at the oars, stepping on her feet. Around them the evacuation is in full swing, with boats in the water,others being lowered.CUT TO:
180 INT. MSTEAR AT ARMS OFFICE / CORRIDOR Jack pulls on the pipe with all his strength. It's not budging. He hearsgurgling sound. Water pours under the door, spreading rapidly across thefloor.JACK
Shit. He tries to pull one hand out of the cuffs, working until the skin israw... no good.JACK
Help!! Somebody!! Can anybody hearme?!
(to himself)
This could be bad.
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