Friday, April 18, 2008

World Top 10 Greatest Action films Ever

1. RockyRocky Balboa vs. Apollo Creed
Here it is -- the most influential and iconic bout in the history of Hollywood. Rocky's battle with Apollo Creed has been reworked in countless ways across numerous genres; it's evoked in virtually every scrappy-underdog tale. However, none have been quite able to match the original for spine-tingling tension. Even its over-familiarity (it plays on Jumbotrons in sports arenas virtually every night) hasn't dulled its impact; in addition to being breathlessly exciting and dramatically potent, it doesn't end quite the way you'd expect.
2. The Protector
Tony Jaa vs. everybody
As an attempt to sell Tony Jaa to American audiences, The Protector didn't quite pan out. But it contains a scene of such crazed genius and technical mastery that it warrants the #2 spot on this list. As Jaa ascends the circular staircase of a hotel, he brings the pain to scores of opponents, twisting arms, breaking glass, and throwing people off balconies. It's all captured in a stunning five-minute tracking shot (it's the Russian Ark of action sequences) that seems like it's getting winded just keeping up.
3. The Matrix
Neo vs. Agent Smith
Technically influential and viscerally exhilarating, The Matrix' subway fight raised the bar for action cinema -- and convinced a bunch of people to run out and buy DVD players. With its time-freezing camera effects and Hong Kong-derived fight choreography, this duel between Keanu Reeves and Hugo Weaving brought the movie's philosophical, what-is-reality musings to a full tilt climax.
4. The Legend of Drunken Master
Jackie Chan vs. Ken Lo
Combining unimpeachable martial arts technique with the slapstick comedy and death-defying stuntwork of silent clown Buster Keaton, Jackie Chan changed the face of action cinema. Chan's filmography is rich with potent fight scenes, but the final battle in The Legend of Drunken Master may be his apex. As a master of "drunken boxing" -- so named because inebriation helps loosen the body and lessen pain -- Chan attempts to thwart the smuggling of priceless artifacts out of China. It all culminates in a climactic battle royale in a steel factory -- a sequence of astonishing dexterity and grace that combines full tilt punches and kicks with maniacal physical comedy.
5. Fist of Legend

Jet Li vs. Billy Chow
Long before Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (a project he turned down), wushu master Jet Li was making historical martial arts films that were epic in scope and dazzling in their fight choreography. While Hero and the Once Upon a Time in China series established Li as a global star, aficionados point to Fist of Legend as his finest effort. A loose remake of Bruce Lee’s legendary Fists of Fury, Legend finds Li embarking on a mission to avenge the death of his master amidst the turbulent times of the second Sino-Japanese War. The final battle in Fist of Legend features some of the most amazing flying kicks, lightning-fast punches, and statue and bench destruction ever committed to film (heck, even Jet's slaps are potent).
6. Raiders of the Lost Ark
Indiana Jones vs. the big, bald Nazi
Try as he might, Indiana Jones can't seem to avoid engaging in fracases on or near moving vehicles. In The Last Crusade, he dispatched multiple villains on a careening tank, and in this imbroglio from Raiders of the Lost Ark, he has to dodge both flying fists and merciless propellers. Indy just wants to fly to safety, but a much larger opponent coaxes him into battle; the result is probably the most memorable fight from the Indiana Jones series. Plus, who doesn't love seeing some Nazis get their just desserts?
7. They Live

"Rowdy" Roddy Piper vs. Keith David
In They Live, “Rowdy” Roddy Piper and Keith David beat the stuffing out of each other for five minutes. We're talking suplexes, head-butts, knees to the groin; in other words, the works. Why, you ask? Well, Piper wants David to wear a pair of sunglasses that will help him understand the truth about an alien conspiracy to destroy humanity. You see, these guys are friends. I mean, if the stakes were that high, you'd resort to such extreme measures too, right? What are friends for?
8. Snatch
Brad Pitt vs. Elwin "Chopper" David
Forget Fight Club -- Snatch features Brad Pitt’s onscreen pugilistic pinnacle. Pitt plays the thickly brogued bare-knuckle brawler Mickey O'Neil, a knockout artist so skilled -- and so undisciplined -- that he can't bring himself to throw a fight, even with fortunes and lives on the line. Director Guy Ritchie’s stylistic trademarks -- super slow-mo, gonzo sound effects, a thumping soundtrack -- are all on display, as O'Neil absorbs a staggering amount of punishment before landing the final blow.
9. The Transporter
Jason Statham vs. everybody in the bus depot
It's the age-old complaint of action-phobes: "Why do the bad guys just stand around while the hero wrecks shop? Why don't they all go at him at once?" In the case of The Transporter, a score of goons try just that -- and it still doesn't work! Trapped in a bus depot, the ever-enterprising Jason Statham uses just about everything at his disposal, from barrels of oil to the bad guys themselves. He even displays how a long-sleeve shirt can be used to keep multiple attackers at bay.
10. The Bourne Ultimatum
Bourne vs. Desh
How did Jason Bourne obtain his sick fighting skills? It's one of the questions that torments our hero throughout the Bourne series. However, one thing's for sure: however he got them, he sure knows how to employ them. Bourne's hand-to-hand proclivities are perhaps best showcased in the Bourne Ultimatum, as J.B. jumps off a roof through a window to throw down with the guy sent to kill him; he then proceeds to demonstrate a new meaning for "book smart", and how a hand towel can be used to disarm an attacker.


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